"I Am Woman — The Power is Within Me" — charity calendar for the year 2025. Join to our project!
How did you get to where you are now? How did you create your brand?
When I started my career, I did everything intuitively, because those were the times. We didn’t have that many coaches, that many mentors. Instead, we read books that developed us. In particular, my development was greatly influenced by biographies.
Biographies of successful people, because success is not only about business, but for me it is also about scientific achievements, and here I can cite Maria Skłodowska-Curie as an example. The political one is Catherine the Great. Literature includes Wisława Szymborska, Balzac, Dostoyevsky, Pushkin. The actress is Hanka Ordonówna, Eugeniusz Bodo, Fred Aster. Music Chopin, Verdi, Bethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky. Art Van Gogh, Malczewski, Rubens, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci.
And so we could go on and on, but what is important is that our knowledge was shaped by literature, art and systematic work. There were no common computers or telephones, but we had ambitions. We lived at the turn of technological discoveries and this shaped our personality. I had no idea that by performing certain processes I was creating my own brand, that I was a brand in itself. My diligence, maturity, responsibility. I had to be mature because I was responsible for my son’s upbringing and education. And it seems to be the case that the more challenges we face, children and responsibility for the family are our greatest motivators.
My favorite motto – “Whatever the mind can imagine, it can achieve” – Napoleon Hill
And one more thing: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are” – Roosevelt
I recommend everyone to print this maxim and hang it in several places.
You are a lecturer, you have written books, you have been a radio and press journalist. You love people, you are very responsible and consistent. How do you do it?
I have been researching longevity for 15 years. In 2019, I did an extraordinary job as a lecturer at the invitation of the European Parliament, giving 2-3 lectures a day.
In total, approximately 350,000 people aged 50+ attended my lectures. I love lecturing and it is my passion. My activities, books and scientific work were appreciated. My commitment to improving the lives of seniors and veterans is now beginning to expand globally as universities from China, India and Japan have joined. If we love what we do and it is our passion, the world favors us. This shows what our intention to act is. Currently, I am working on a very large project that absorbs me completely. Very complicated, but it’s also the case that when the demands increase, I become more tense. This always requires discipline. And I have it.
You also have programs for women, for whom you are a great authority. What is your favorite lecture topic?
Women and their development are a big challenge for me. My grandmother on my father’s side had three sons (5, 7, 9 years old) when the war broke out. Grandpa was at the front and she had to cope on her own. So this power within us develops with the conditions we create for ourselves. Accepting the situation and finding a solution helps us take control of our lives. During the war, women took over managing the home, caring for children and earning a living. History is the best teacher.
What are some of your latest products, services, and programs you are offering in 2024?
A new methodology for business, how to manage a company. I help companies train employees. I teach motivation, time management, and coping with stress. To these three elements determine success in managing a company.
The company is like a family. If there is harmony and peace there, it profoundly affects its development. Smart company management is the basis for the success of all employees and the entire management team. This applies to every rung of the corporate ladder. You cannot require discipline from lower-level employees if upper-level management is dysfunctional.Where did you learn these concepts?
I worked in the media, and this requires consistent discipline and good time management. It is a job under constant time pressure and stress. You must be ready several hours before the press runs or the TV or radio program starts. If you have a headache or are stressed, you have to deal with it.
After all, it is similar for almost everyone in everyday life. Nervous at work, we go home and transfer nervous energy to our friends, family, and domestic life. And if at home, we are nervous, we transfer this to work. We literally transfer this emotional energy from one place to another. I have learned to find my balance on my way home or on my way to work. I’ve been practicing this for many years, and it is efficient and critical. This method of finding a balance between private life and work turned out to be very effective and rewarding. I now teach how to apply it, implement it, and teach others to make it easier for us to live with them and they to live with themselves. For several years I have also managed large companies as a director.Besides, as a child, I practiced various sports, including ballet, for three years. Sport teaches us discipline and motivation. Thanks to this, I found the joy of learning.
Planning is the most helpful skill for me. I’ve achieved such a degree of excellence that if I plan to write a book in two months, it usually occurs. I am task-oriented and motivated. I am happy to pass this knowledge on to the owners of companies and their employees. I believe that by using these techniques, they can achieve greater business success and build peace and harmony in their companies. I believe in and use the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen. Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning “change for the better” or “continuous improvement.” This Japanese business philosophy examines the processes that continuously improve operations and also involve all employees. Kaizen sees improvement in productivity as a gradual and methodical process. This is also my experience. Discipline can be learned – it’s training, after all. All we need is a willing spirit and a determined mind. I also wrote seven books that change habits in life and help you achieve success. I’m finishing another one right now: “Business etiquette with elements of diplomatic protocol”.What are some of your professional and personal goals for 2024?
A good way to set new goals is to make them: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely. I plan my goals carefully. I try to make them measurable and achievable because it motivates me to further work and development. The basic task for 2024 in professional life is more appearances as a speaker. Finishing my books. Also, above all, conducting trainings and lectures that improve the quality of life of many people.
Privately, it’s a return to fencing lessons and visiting Japan, China, and Alaska.What are your 5 Business Tips For 2024?
Savoir-Vivre Or Respect Always And Everywhere
The dream of every company is to achieve great financial results. This is often ascribed to the proper management of financial and human resources. It should be remembered that the company’s organizational culture is also of great importance in achieving this goal. Without this essential know-how, all goals are lost.
Become Independent And Maintain A Balance Between Work And Private Life
Learn emotional Intelligence ‒ The Ability To Recognize, Understand, And Managing Emotions
Emotional intelligence determines how well we live and is the key to being happy. Emotions really have great power in stimulating us to change. This is because they directly affect our behavior and the way we think and therefore play an extremely important role in shaping our personality. If we have emotional intelligence in our lives, we will be aware of the importance of ethics in everything we do. And regardless of whether we are at work, with the family, or in another place, we will always follow the same rules and always be able to distinguish good from bad. “Emotional intelligence accounts for 80 percent of the success in life.” ‒ Daniel Goleman
Manage the company effectively according to the principle “Happy employee is a healthy employee.”
Remember that in business, personality counts.
Your clients are highly educated and know all negotiation methods. That’s why I recommend always following pure intention. Show your customers what you are good at and how you can solve their problems. Be real and feel with your heart. If you could name one word that describes you or your profession, what would it be and why? Creative – my work is my passion.
What is your favorite place to eat and why?
I like to eat at home because I attach great importance to healthy meals. And if I eat out, it’s definitely vegetarian food.
I must admit that if I eat in restaurants, I like the elegant interiors and delicious dishes served on porcelain plates. I love to follow the etiquette.Are you an animal person?
I love animals. Especially horses, dogs, cats, jaguars, and birds. I have hummingbirds in my garden, and they fly over me when I’m working on the roses. I like horses and jaguars for their sensitivity and, at the same time speed and agility. I can sit for hours and look at swimming dolphins, killer whales, parrots, giraffes, rhinos, zebras, lions, and panthers. Every animal has its own secret, and the greatest of them is the one that man does not comprehend with his mind.
Connect with Katarzyna Dorosz: https://www.kasiaspeak.com/